Drone Club for Extra-Curricular activity (ECA)

What’s exciting is, St John International School had taken a leap in forming a new Drone Club as part of their school’s extra curricular activity. And we, Drone Sifu was appointed to provide classes to interested students . These classes were conducted on a weekly basis on every Thursday evening, for an hour and half. Students were exposed to the latest drone technology where they were given a chance to handle the drone physically.
Praveen Nathan and Nurul Qistina from Drone Sifu, provided a personalised learning modules that supports each student, to ensure they have a clear understanding of the material and effectively apply their knowledge and skills in practical settings.
The students had an amazing time learning the modules, and many of them were excited to experience flying a real drone for the first time. Initially, they were introduced to drones through theoretical lessons, which provided them with a foundation about different types of drones, various applications, safety operations and maintenance. After gaining this knowledge, they were thrilled to apply their skills through virtual drone assessments using the simulator. This allows them to be acquainted with the drone before real flight. Upon completing their virtual lessons, the students were able to move on to practical drone classes. These classes allowed them to put their knowledge into practice, and gain hands-on experience operating drones.
Next, to ensure that students had a thorough understanding of the material, there was also a drone flight assessment included in the module. This was a vital part of the program to assist instructors to gauge the level of knowledge and understanding of the students, in the meantime identifying any areas where additional support or instruction may be needed.
In a nutshell, Drone Sifu had opened a new window in achieving its objectives to educate younger generations about Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) and build their interest and skills in this area. The extra-curricular activities equipped students with comprehensive knowledge of the IR 4.0, enabling them to advance their opportunity in the future.